Partner With Us

  • Pray

    Pray that God will build His church in Davis County.

    Pray that God will protect, guide, and provide for the staff of King’s Cross Church.

    Pray that God will prepare many minds and hearts to walk with the true Jesus.

  • Provide

    We need monthly financial support from our friends and family to bring this dream to life. Donations are tax-deductible and go toward our family’s salary. Check out our “Give” link on the site header to sign up.

  • Participate

    Is God calling you to something more, perhaps joining this ministry in Utah? Consider moving to to Davis County to grow this church with us!

  • Promote

    We know not everything that moves your heart is your calling. If you are unable to provide or participate now, but might know someone who can, please consider sharing our vision with friends and family or on social media.