Our mission is to see Utahns set free to love and serve the true Jesus.

Did you know that Utah is considered the third most religious state in the U.S., and yet the least Christian? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (formerly known as the Mormon Church) dominates Utah’s spiritual life and culture. According to the Pew Research Center (2022), about 55% of Utah’s population identify as Latter-Day Saints, whereas 7% identify as Evangelical Christians. To put this into perspective: only 2% of people in Davis County, where we live, identify as Evangelical Christians, compared to 4% in New York City, 9% in Boston, and 23% in Seattle.

In short, we live in the heart of the least-reached location in the U.S.

Davis County, UT

  • ~351,000 people

  • 2% Evangelical Christian

  • 1 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints every 1.4 miles, each hosting 600-900 people per Sunday

  • 1 Evangelical Christian church for every 51,000+ people


Farmington, UT

Farmington, UT

  • ~25,000 people

  • 8 schools, including a 6A high school

  • One of the biggest theme parks west of the Mississippi

  • 11 Latter-Day Saint chapels hosting at least 3 congregations (“wards”) each Sunday

  • Specialized Latter-Day Saint congregations including wards for singles and multiple wards for speakers of other languages

  • 0 Evangelical churches

Davis County, UT

There are five times as many coffee shops as Evangelical Christian churches in Farmington, and most Utahns don’t drink coffee. If those businesses were willing to take a risk on Farmington, it is high time for Christian churches to step up and do the same.

“I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”

John 4:35

Pulling away from the dominant culture here can be a painful process that takes, on average, seven years. These years may involve isolation from community, career, and even family. New believers need loving, stable, Biblical church communities to support and teach them during this challenging time.

Davis County needs thriving Christian church communities as lifelines of love and learning.

After living in Davis County for nearly five years, we feel the weight of the spiritual burden carried by many of our friends and neighbors. We long to help them grow in the freedom found only in Christ, experience His peace that surpasses understanding, overflow with the joy of the Holy Spirit, and live for the glory of God and the good of His people.

As we join the staff of King’s Cross Church, we feel privileged to join in the work that is already being done toward this end. We invite you to join us as well!